65 research outputs found

    Software system for remote control and monitoring of robots based on Android operating system and wireless communication.

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    Роботски системи су сложени системи чији корисници морају бити добро обучени. Управљање се најчешће спроводи близу самог робота или употребом жичне конекције. Данашње брзе промене и напредак у развоју технологије захтевају имплементацију нових технолошких решења у области програмирања и управљања индустријских робота и других робота специјалне намене. У савременој роботској индустрији постоји стална потреба за унапређењем приступачности и интеракције у раду са роботским системима, па је све већи значај развоја корисничких интерфејса који су интуитивни и лаки за коришћење. У складу са тим, приликом пројектовања графичког корисничког интерфејса за програмирање и управљање робота није довољно направити фокус само на обезбеђивању детаљних и комплетних функционалности управљања, већ се ергономија употребе такође треба узети у обзир. Поред тога, масивни и недоступни роботи све више захтевају управљање независно од локације оператера. Ресурси везани за роботске лабораторије често нису доступни корисницима које тек треба обучити за рад са оваквим системима, a рад са роботским системима често захтева детаљно познавање софтверских парадигми за програмирање робота. Због наведених разлога студенти који тек уче о основним принципима роботике углавном нису у могућности да се упознају са програмирањем и управљањем комплексних роботских система на практичан начин. У области едукације у роботици, бежична виртуелна окружења, која дају реалну слику о раду робота, би била од великог значаја. Посебно би се издвојио њихов значај у случају примене таквог решења за едукацију у области управљања слабо доступних робота као што су, на пример, уређаји за адаптацију и тренинг пилота. Такође, поред едукативне сврхе, употреба лако доступних, широко распрострањених и економичних уређаја би била јако исплатива. Истраживање о генералној употреби и знању студената о технологији паметних телефона, које је спроведено у оквиру ове докторске дисертације, потврђује да данашњи брз развој технологије захтева унапређење метода за учење и едукацију...Robot control systems are complex systems whose users must be well trained to use them. Control process is mainly carried out near the robot or by using wired connections. Because of rapid advances in technology, it is of great importance to implement new technology solutions in training environments, in robotics and aerospace industry. In contemporary robotics industry there is a constant need to improve accessibility of robotic systems and human-robot interaction, so the significance of developing new user interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use is growing. Therefore, for designing robot control user interfaces it is not sufficient to simply focus on providing detailed and complete control capability, but ergonomy of use should also be taken into account. Besides, massive and unreachable robots require control that is independent of the user’s location. Resources in the robotics field are limited for a common user to access and demand deep knowledge of robot-specific programming paradigms. For these reasons, it is not often possible for inexperience students to become familiar with programming and control of complex robotic systems in a practical manner. Virtual wireless environments that provide realistic experience in robot control would be of great significance in the robotics education. It would be especially important in the case of application of such a solution for education in control of poorly accessible robots, such as devices for pilots’ training and flight simulations. Also, in addition to educational purposes, the use of easily accessible, widespread and cost-effective device would be very profitable. The evaluation of the general engineering students’ use and knowledge of smart phone technology, which was conducted within this dissertation, confirms that today's rapid development of technology requires improved methods for learning and education. There are a number of scientific and research papers and reports that describe software solutions that the majority of robot manufacturers and independent software vendors offer to developers and system integrators for design and simulation of manufacturing projects. A certain number of science and research papers report the implementation and the use of smart phones for robot monitoring and control. The remote monitoring of robot and machine performance is implemented by using camera, in textual form, or by using 3D animation, and robot programming is performed by using accelerometer, gyroscope or by filling out the text fields with desired values. Such programming methods are timeconsuming for setting up and generating the desired robot performance, that is especially pronounced when frequently use the same or a similar program. Also, these methods are not sufficiently intuitive, especially for education in robotics and students that only begin to learn about the basic elements of robotics..

    Formal Analysis of Linear Control Systems using Theorem Proving

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    Control systems are an integral part of almost every engineering and physical system and thus their accurate analysis is of utmost importance. Traditionally, control systems are analyzed using paper-and-pencil proof and computer simulation methods, however, both of these methods cannot provide accurate analysis due to their inherent limitations. Model checking has been widely used to analyze control systems but the continuous nature of their environment and physical components cannot be truly captured by a state-transition system in this technique. To overcome these limitations, we propose to use higher-order-logic theorem proving for analyzing linear control systems based on a formalized theory of the Laplace transform method. For this purpose, we have formalized the foundations of linear control system analysis in higher-order logic so that a linear control system can be readily modeled and analyzed. The paper presents a new formalization of the Laplace transform and the formal verification of its properties that are frequently used in the transfer function based analysis to judge the frequency response, gain margin and phase margin, and stability of a linear control system. We also formalize the active realizations of various controllers, like Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID), Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Derivative (PD), and various active and passive compensators, like lead, lag and lag-lead. For illustration, we present a formal analysis of an unmanned free-swimming submersible vehicle using the HOL Light theorem prover.Comment: International Conference on Formal Engineering Method

    Analysis of the Band-Pass and Notch Filter with Dynamic Damping of Fractional Order Including Discrete Models

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    The paper presents analysis of the second order band-pass and notch filter with a dynamic damping factor βd of fractional order. Factor βd is given in the form of fractional differentiator of order a, i.e. βd=β/sa, where β and a are adjustable parameters. The aim of the paper is to exploit an extra degree of freedom of presented filters to achieve the desired filter specifications and obtain a desired response in the frequency and time domain. Shaping of the frequency response enables achieving a better phase response compared to the integer-order counterparts which is of great concern in many applications. For the implementation purpose, the paper presents a comparison of four discretization techniques: the Osutaloup’s Recursive Algorithm (ORA+Tustin), Continued Fractional Expansion (CFE+Tustin), Interpolation of Frequency Characteristic (IFC+Tustin) and recently proposed AutoRegressive with eXogenous input (ARX)-based direct discretization method

    Automated Proving Properties of Expectation-Maximization Algorithm using Symbolic Tools

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    In many analyses based on estimating the parameters of probability distribution functions, the algorithms are developed for unknown probabilities. Some algorithms are derived starting from previous solutions and algorithms. One very popular algorithm is the EM (Expectation-Maximization) algorithm. The EM algorithm is a starting point for developing other advanced algorithms. Features of EM and other algorithms are observed with the traditional numerical approach. In this paper, we present a new approach of analysing the EM algorithm using computer algebra tools (Mathematica). We automatically derive properties of the algorithm. The knowledge embedded in symbolic expressions was used to simulate an example system and EM algorithm to generate the implementation code and to understand the nature of the error produced by selecting the total number of observed elements

    Projektovanje selektivnih FIR filtara bez množača korišćenjem računarskih algebarskih sistema

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    M. D. Lutovac, V. Pavlović, M. Lutovac, Projektovanje selektivnih FIR filtara bez množača korišćenjem računarskih algebarskih sistema

    TELFOR 2006

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    Abstract In this paper we propose a scheme for the design of a Symmetrical Multiple Valued Logic (SMVL) arithmetic circuit based on the use of restricted moduli Symmetrical Signed digit Residue Number system (SSRNS). Sign and overflow detection as well as magnitude comparison operations are accomplished without recourse to the traditional complex Mixed Radix number System (MRS) conversion process and multiplicative inverse computation. The method is particularly general purpose systems oriented. Addition operations are executed economically, fast and at constant speed

    Uticaj konačnog q-faktora kritične reaktanse na karakteristike LC lestvičastog filtra

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    Abstract: U radu je opisana detaljna analiza uticaja konačnog Q faktora kritične reaktanse LC lestvičastog filtra sa dva pristupa na karakteristike filtra u frekvencijskom domenu. Prikazani su amplitudska karakteristika u propusnom opsegu filtra, karakteristika grupnog kašnjenja filtra, karakteristika povratnog slabljenja u propusnom opsegu filtra, karakteristika unesenog slabljenja u nepropusnom opsegu filtra, i karakteristika sumarne osetljivosti filtra. Ilustrovani su i primeri uticaja konačne tolerancije kritične reaktanse sa gubicima na karakteristike filtr

    Elektronski turistički vodič za Android platforme sa izradom multimedijalnog putopisa

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    V. M. Mladenović, M. D. Lutovac, Maja M. Lutovac, Elektronski turistički vodič za Android platforme sa izradom multimedijalnog putopisa, Mali patent, registracioni broj: 2012/996 MП-2011/0068, Glasnik intelektualne svojine broj 4, datum objavljivanja 31. avgust 2012, ISSN 2217-9143

    Efficient recursive implementation of multiplierless FIR filters

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    Abstract: The efficient implementation of selective multiplierless digital FIR filter is very desired solution for low-power consumption applications. Filter requirements such as sharp transition and large stop-band attenuation require very high filter order and usually large power consumption. The solution of this problem can be to use predefined hardware filter structures with small number of operations per input sample in spite of the very high filter order. In this paper we provide a systematic approach for solving the problem using computer algebra system (CAS). The methodology is based on (1) sketching the filter structure that is known to have excellent properties appropriate as embedded solution, (2) automated building the knowledge into CAS in a form of the schematic description, (3) automated derivation of filter properties such as transfer functions or implementation codes, (4) defining a strategy for combining intermediate results, and (5) plotting the frequency responses in order to verify the final solution